h2x User GuideUser Guide
📰 PDF (Drawing) Floor Plan Uploads

Upload a New PDF

h2x only accepts PDF files for background uploads.

If you have other file types such as AutoCAD (DWG), Revit (RVT), PNG, JPEG, etc., you will need to convert them to a PDF before uploading.

  1. Upload:

    Ensure you are in the Floor Plan Mode, and click on Upload Floor Plan.

    In the upload box, either drag and drop your PDF files or click on Upload PDFs to select files from your computer

  2. Delete: You may have uploaded some unnecessary or incorrect pages, like cover sheets or notes, that you want to delete.

    In each PDF tile, find the trash can icon - click the icon to delete the PDF page from your workspace.

  3. Duplicate: You may want to duplicate a PDF when the same layout is needed on multiple levels, e.g. a typical layout, or when multiple levels are shown on one PDF.

    In each PDF tile, locate the Copy This PDF Page icon next to the scale drop-down menu. Click on it to duplicate the PDF

  4. Assign to Levels: Each PDF needs to be assigned to a level for it to show in the design workspace.

    If the level name matches the PDF name, it may automatically be assigned. If not, follow these steps:

    Beneath each PDF tile, find the Assign to Level dropdown, and choose the level.

    If the required level hasn’t been created yet, add a new level by:

    - Entering the level name and height in the level creation section.

    - Selecting the newly created level from the dropdown.

    - Then choosing that level from the list

  5. Scaling: When uploading a PDF, the software may automatically detect the scale from the title block if it's clearly labelled.

    Adjustments are only needed if the scale wasn’t identified correctly.

    To do this, you have two options:

    1. Scale Globally (All PDF Drawings):

    At the top of the page, select a default Paper Size and Scale from the dropdown lists.

    Click Apply Globally to set this new scale and paper size for all uploaded PDFs.

    2. Scale Individually (Single PDF Drawings):

    Under each PDF tile, select the desired Paper Size and Scale from the dropdown lists.

    This applies the selected settings to the individual PDF only.

  6. Align: Aligning PDFs ensures all levels align to a common point, allowing for accurate stacking of the floor plans.

    This step is essential for maintaining precise placement when working with multiple floor plans so risers appear correctly across levels.

    Examples of common points include:

    - Grid Lines

    - Building Core e.g. Elevator Shafts or Stairwells

    - Corner of the Building

    - Structural Column

    To do this, you have two options:

    1. Align as a Group:

    If the building layout is placed in exactly the same place on each drawing sheet:

    - Click on a PDF

    -Click on Toggle Apply Alignment Changes to All Sheets to enable group alignment

    - Zoom in to locate a common alignment point

    - Click to place the alignment point

    Check this alignment point across the PDFs to ensure it is accurate

    2. Align Individually:

    If the building layout is not placed in exactly the same place on each drawing sheet:

    - Click on a PDF

    - Ensure that Toggle Apply Alignment Changes to All Sheets to enable group is turned off

    - Zoom in to locate a common alignment point

    - Click to place the alignment point

    Check this alignment point across the PDFs to ensure it is accurate

The maximum upload size is 20 MB per PDF.

If your file exceeds this limit, use an external PDF compression tool to reduce the file size before uploading.