h2x User GuideUser Guide


Add New Fire Nodes

  1. Click Add New Fire Element

  2. Assign a Name

  3. Set up Groups within the node

  4. For each group, define the Continuous Flow Rate and the Maximum Simultaneous Node.

    The system's flow rate will not exceed the flow rate multiplied by the maximum running simultaneous for this node.

  5. Specify the K Value for pressure drop and assign a Color for easy identification.

  6. Set Minimum Pressure and Maximum Pressure values

    If the pressure falls outside the set range, you will be able to review associated warnings in the Results mode

  7. Add Subgroups for different types within the same category

    e.g., different types of sprinklers

  8. Click Create to add the node to your project

The Fire Node can be found in the FireDesign mode, in the Node drop down menu.

Modify Existing Fire Nodes

  1. Select the existing Fire Node from the list to modify or delete it.

  2. Adjust the Name, Pressures, or Maximum Running Simultaneously.

  3. Click Update.

All instances of the node in your design will be updated automatically.