h2x User GuideUser Guide
πŸ–‹οΈ System Design


Annotations allow you to add notes or labels to your design for clarity and communication.

Annotations can be attached to specific components or placed freely on the workspace.

Adding Annotations

  1. Activate the Tool:

    Click the T button in the toolbar to activate the Annotation tool.

    The Annotation box will follow your cursor as you move it around the design workspace.

  2. Assigning to a Component:

    Hover over a component to see small red circles indicating attachment points.

    Click on one of these circles to assign the Annotation to the component.

    This ensures that the annotation moves with the component if it is repositioned later.

  3. Free Placement:

    To place the Annotation freely, move the cursor to your desired location and click.

    If not assigned to a component, the annotation will remain stationary even if nearby components move.

  4. Entering Text:

    After placing the Annotation, type your note directly into the text box.

Editing Annotations

  1. Adjusting Text Box Size:

    Drag the bottom-right corner of the text box to resize it.

    Reducing the box size will automatically reflow the text onto new lines.

  2. Changing Note Appearance:

    Font Size and Color: Modify these settings from the Properties menu.

    Visibility: Select whether the note appears on all drawings or specific systems (e.g., Mechanical).

  3. Arrow (Leader Line) Options:

    Position: Adjust the arrow's starting point (left, right, top, bottom) relative to the annotation box.

    Shape: Click and drag the white circle on the arrow to adjust its leader layout.

    Endpoint: Move the arrow endpoint by dragging it to a new location.

  4. Removing the Arrow:

    If you don’t need the arrow, Left-click on it and press Delete. The text box will remain on the design without the leader.